Minor Changes to existing Otterized Notebooks
Many of the users of Data 8 want to make minor changes to existing notebooks. These changes might include minor changes to problems, changes to numbers used to calculate answers, and possibly even adding questions and datasets.
This screen recording moves through the steps it takes to make these changes and publish the notebooks for your class.
This recording and instructions below assumes a couple of pieces:
You have already created a private(for instructor materials) and public(for students) repositories in GitHub. (If you have not done this, there is a screen recording here explaining how.)
This also assumes you have access to a JupyterHub or python environment where all the packages are installed, including otter-grader version 4.4.1
This also assumes you are not changing the name of the assignment so that any nbgitpuller links you have created for students are still going to work.
Summary of Instructions illustrated in recording:
Download the private repository containing all the raw notebooks for editing
Log into your hub: https://xxx.cloudbank.2i2c.cloud
Switch to the lab view: https://.../tree --> https://.../lab
Create a folder on the hub to put the notebook and files you are working with in - e.g hw03
Drag the files you need from your computer related in this example to hw03 into the folder you created on the hub
Edit hw03.ipynb
Open a Terminal: Verify the otter-grader version: otter --version
If you don't have otter-grader 4.4.1 install it: pip install otter-grader==4.4.1
Run otter assign: otter assign hw03.ipynb ../dist-hw03
Transfer the student notebook to the public repo via upload to GitHub
Transfer the changed raw notebook back up to private repo in GitHub
Decide where to store the autograder.zip:
leave on the hub
download to your computer
or save to the private repo
Last updated